Kalam's Higher Education

'Better late than never' he decided.

He applied for admission at the Madras Institute Of Technology (MIT).It is an expensive affair.Zohara(Kalam's sister) mortgaged her bangles and chain in order to see him educated.He would like to redeem her bangles.The only way to do that was to study hard and get a Scholarship.After joining in MIT,he selected Aeronautical Engineering.Kalam's goal was very clear."He was going to fly air craft".

Influence of teachers in MIT on Kalam's life : Prof Sponder,KAV Pandalai,Narasingha Rao.Their instructions formed the foundation on which Kalam later built his Professional career.All were distinct personalities different in many ways but sharing a Common trait-The capacity to feed their students hunger with brilliance and untiring zeal.
Prof.Sponder-Technical Aerodynamics.

Walter Repenthin-Head of Aeronautics Department.

Kurt Tank-Aeronautical Engineer designed German Focke Wulf FW 190.Later joined HAL(Hindustan Aeronautics Limited)at Banglore designed first jet fighter.HF-24 marut.

One should never worry about one's foundations,but have a sufficient amount of aptitude and passion for one's chosen field of study.

Prof.Pandalai-Aero structure design and analysis unlocked the Secrets of the structural Engineering to the students.

Prof.Narasingha Rao-Mathematician-Theoretical Aero Dynamics.

In Kalam's final year Prof.Srinivasan(Director of MIT) gave him a project and reviewed his work and declared disappointing.Kalam pleaded him foe a month's time to complete the task.But,he gave him 3 days.Kalam was successful in performing the given task perfectly.Besides academic activities.Kalam used to participate in extra-curricular activities.He wrote an article."Let us make our own air craft"Tamil.Prof.Sponder asked Kalam to come and sit in the front row in a class Photograph.
He said "You are my best student.I believe your hard work will help you heap honor on your teachers".